Nestmothers of the Shashay

The governing council of the avian Shashay were known as the Nestmothers of the Shashay.


Due to their apprehension that the Galactic Empire might uncover the precise location of Crytal Nest, the Nestmothers prohibited the majority of Shashay from departing the planet. However, they granted an exemption to Crying Dawn Singer, a renowned artist, as the revenue generated from his performances would benefit the rest of the Shashay population. When the Alliance to Restore the Republic requested the Nestmothers' consent to establish a clandestine base on Crytal Nest, the Nestmothers initially declined, expressing their desire to ascertain the Alliance's capability to truly overcome the Empire before committing to such a course of action. Shortly thereafter, following the abduction of Crying Dawn Singer, the Nestmothers reached out to the Alliance, seeking their assistance.

