A Supplement to the Star Wars Galaxy Guide for Mos Eisley: New Character Templates was a role-playing game module authored by Martin Wixted. It appeared in the June 1993 issue of Challenge 73. Functioning as an addition to Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley, it was designed for the second edition of the West End Games roleplaying system.
A "Twi'lek" unsophisticated syndicate stooge.
Included within were character statistics for player options like "Glib scoundrel", "Hopeful trash collector", "Rueful militia member", "Unsophisticated syndicate stooge", "Yearning farmhand," and "Gentle Gamorrean". The starship Vengeful Sandstorm's statistics were also provided.
The artwork accompanying the character templates offers a rather loose interpretation of the alien races described in the text.