Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley

Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley, penned by Martin Wixted for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, was released in 1993 by West End Games. It holds the distinction of being the initial entry in the Galaxy Guide series that was originally published following the release of the Second Edition Rulebook.

Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope had previously depicted individuals encountered in Mos Eisley during the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, and Tatooine Manhunt offered an initial glimpse of the city beyond what was shown in the movie. This particular guide offers an in-depth examination of the city in the aftermath of A New Hope, providing detailed descriptions and RPG statistics for characters, vehicles, and droids. Furthermore, it includes maps illustrating the city, the surrounding region, and various buildings.

Publisher's summary

Embark on an exploration of the notorious pirate haven, the spaceport city of Mos Eisley. Battered by the relentless heat of Tatooine's twin suns, Mos Eisley serves as a haven for some of the galaxy's most celebrated (or rather, infamous) smugglers and criminals!

Renowned for the exploits of Han Solo and the machinations of Jabba the Hutt, Mos Eisley stands as the quintessential adventure destination for enthusiasts of the Star Wars saga.

This comprehensive book delivers a thorough overview of this lawless city. It features detailed descriptions of locations, accompanied by maps, gamemaster character profiles, and illustrations. Furthermore, it includes introductory chapters that delve into the history of both Tatooine and Mos Eisley!


  • Introduction
  • Tatooine Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place The Demise of an Era
  • Mos Eisley General Look Finding Employment Initial Observations
  • Locations Docking Bay 94 Spaceport's Customs Area Spaceport Vehicles Lup's All-Purpose Shop Market Area: Gep's Eatery and Spaceport Quick Stop Docking Bay 86 Docking Bay 87 Mos Eisley's Inn Tatooine Local Defense Force Dewback Housing Local Authority Offices Energy Production Facility Jabba's Personal Residence Street Orator/Wreckage Site Mos Eisley's Drinking Establishment Jawa Merchants Heff's Trinkets Kayson's Armory Waterfront Diner Docking Bay 92 Spaceport's Lodging Spaceport's Air Traffic Control Lucky Despot's Accommodation Zygian's Financial Institution Local Law Enforcement The Residence of Momaw Nadon Transportation Hub The Cutting Edge Medical Facility Dim-U's Place of Worship Notsub's Shipping Business Notsub's Security Force
  • Adventure Prompts Spice Transporter's Wager A Secretive Rebel Scavengers' Competition The Cutting Edge of Style The Rescue of a Bith


Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley introduces a Squib droid merchant known as Mace Windu. At the time of the guide's creation, this was simply an obscure name taken from early Star Wars scripts. Star Wars Adventure Journal 11 later revealed that the character's complete name was Macemillian-winduarté. Labyrinth of Evil further establishes a connection by depicting the Jedi Mace Windu as the victor of the Battle of Skor II in 21 BBY, thus becoming a hero to the Squib species; this suggests that the Mos Eisley Squib might have been named in honor of the Jedi.

