Macemillian-winduarté plied his trade as a Squib merchant. His initial occupation was that of head bartender on the reclamation cruiser called Two-For-One. While serving in this role, he journeyed across the galaxy, developed a fondness for snit-spores, and amassed a significant amount of relatively useless knowledge. He was known as Mace Windu, potentially a nod to the Human Jedi of the same designation, who achieved victory at the Battle of Skor II in 21 BBY and subsequently became a celebrated figure among the Squib populace.
Macemillian-winduarté was a male Squib. During a visit by the Two-For-One to Mos Eisley on Tatooine, Macemillian-winduarté disembarked to engage with the local inhabitants. A delay occurred at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina, resulting in the cruiser's departure without him. Abruptly isolated in an unfamiliar environment, the Squib was compelled to undertake various menial tasks to sustain himself.

Eventually, he found himself in debt to Aguilae, a Jawa who operated a business known as Jawa Traders within the spaceport. Facing difficulties in managing her enterprise, Aguilae employed Macemillian-winduarté as a salesperson, effectively forgiving his outstanding debts. His primary duties involved working at her droid shop located in Mos Eisley.
One day, while on duty, the Squib trader procured an accounting droid identified as CZ-3. Unbeknownst to Mace, the criminal entrepreneur Opun "Black Hole" Mcgrrrr sought the droid due to its possession of information suitable for blackmailing Jabba Desilijic Tiure. Aguilae capitalized on the situation by selling the droid before Mcgrrrr could locate it at her establishment. However, Aguilae experienced a change of heart and soon resolved to recover the droid.
By this time, CZ-3 was aboard a Jawa Sandcrawler belonging to Het Nkik's clan. Aguilae and Macemillian-winduarté pursued the droid to that location, only to discover that CZ-3 was no longer present. Instead, they encountered Imperial stormtroopers. The pair narrowly escaped with their lives.
The name Mace Windu originated in the earliest iteration of Star Wars, a 13-page treatment penned by George Lucas in 1973. Two decades later, the West End Games sourcebook Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley applied this name to the character described herein. Subsequently, in November 1996, Pablo Hidalgo's short story "Spare Parts" revealed the character's full name as Macemillian-winduarté.
Following The Phantom Menace's reintroduction of the name Mace Windu as a powerful Jedi, a HoloNet article (also authored by Pablo Hidalgo) functioned as a form of retcon, providing justification for the assumption that the Squib's name is somehow connected to the Jedi's, owing to the Jedi's heroic stature on Skor II.