New Republic Centralized Archives

title: New Republic Centralized Archives

Around 27 ABY, the New Republic brought into being a substantial repository of records, preserved due to their historical significance. Its establishment was driven by the desire to safeguard galactic wisdom and recollections from the destructive effects of the Yuuzhan Vong War. This collection encompassed information about sentient history, reaching back to the founding of the Galactic Republic.


Twenty-one years after the Endor battle and the second Death Star's destruction, the New Republic, after a short period of unstable and uncertain peace, was confronted with one of the greatest dangers in galactic history: the invasion by the Yuuzhan Vong, an extra-galactic species of invaders. A pan-galactic conflict erupted, making it essential to gather the archives before they were irrevocably lost beneath the war's devastation.

A massive, unified database was assembled, incorporating all Jedi Holocrons and every existing file, document, and plan pertaining to the New Republic, the Old Republic, and Palpatine's Galactic Empire. The New Republic's centralized archives aimed for comprehensiveness and were known to be accessible by 27 ABY.

Behind the scenes

The New Republic Centralized Archives were referenced on the reverse side of the galaxy map included with the inaugural issue of The Official Star Wars Fact File. The existence of such a collection provided an in-universe rationale for the Official Star Wars Fact File.


Notes and references
