The New Republic Common Charter served as a foundational document, articulating the principles of the New Republic and defining its political and procedural frameworks. This document, through its various sections, delineated the fundamental doctrines and structural organization of the government, establishing its legal framework. The Provisional Council authored the Charter to establish a more cohesive and well-defined governmental system, superseding the interim administration that had been established by the Declaration of a New Republic. It was fully implemented in 7 ABY on Restoration Day. The Galactic Constitution of the Old Republic served as a basis for the Charter, though it differed in some respects. Upon the transformation of the New Republic into the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, the Common Charter of the New Republic was significantly revised, becoming the Galactic Alliance Common Charter. This revised constitutional framework aimed to address shortcomings of the prior system by incorporating enhanced checks and balances and instituting a new federal structure.
In contrast to the Declaration, which articulated the core values and principles of the republic, the Charter provided the basis under which members were united. Worlds seeking membership were obligated to review, accept, and adhere to the Charter and its associated regulations. The Charter's articles detailed the process by which planets could join the New Republic, defined the three categories of membership, outlined the rights and obligations of member states, and established the governmental bodies along with their respective authorities.
- Article 5 granted the Chief of State the authority to declare war against a "known enemy."
- Article 11 enshrined the principle of unrestricted navigation.
- Article 19 specified which planets could be governed by the New Republic, explicitly prohibiting the assertion of control over any planet lacking a native population and permitting any beings to colonize such a planet without political affiliation.
- The role of the Chief of State was formally broadened to encompass the positions of President of the Senate and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces concurrently. This provision was also likely part of Article 5.
According to the terms of the Hapan Treaty, the Hapes Consortium was permitted to maintain its status as a member of the Republic while preserving its sovereignty over its own territories, provided it complied with the Common Charter's provisions.