Nico Senvi

Nico Senvi, a green Twi'lek of the male variety, was the hometown hero among the swoop racers encountered by Revan in Anchorhead during the year 3956 BBY. A talented swoop pilot with aspirations for the wider galaxy, Nico turned down an offer from Motta to race professionally, as the Hutt would seize the majority of his earnings.

Behind the scenes

The issue surrounding the contract between Nico and Motta forms a sidequest on the planet Tatooine. Players have the option to assist Nico in securing more favorable terms (light side decision) or coerce him into accepting the existing agreement (dark side choice). Given that the canon narrative depicts Revan as aligned with the light side, it's reasonable to assume that Revan aided Nico in negotiating a better contract.

