Niev Jaub

Niev Jaub, a merchant from Sullust, conducted his business on Nar Shaddaa. He was known for his niche in supplying unique food items to the Hutt-run casinos located on the moon. When Moff Sarn Shild chose Nar Shaddaa as a target to set an example, the community of smugglers united in an attempt to fend off the assault. Despite being a legitimate businessman, Niev Jaub chose to stand with the smugglers, offering his small freighter, the Bnef Nlle, to the makeshift fleet being organized by Mako Spince. He felt a deep obligation, knowing that many of his friends and relatives were on Nar Shaddaa, and he couldn't bear to see them perish without resistance.

As part of the First Strike Element, Niev concealed himself amidst the debris field surrounding Nar Shaddaa, awaiting the arrival of the Carrack-class light cruiser Vigilance. Regrettably, Niev acted prematurely, launching his attack when he observed Falan Iniro's vessel emerge from its concealed position within the debris.

Niev immediately understood his error and recognized that the Bnef Nlle lacked the speed necessary to escape the Vigilance and its accompanying TIE fighters. Instead, he opted for a courageous decision, crashing into the Carrack's left side. This act weakened the shields, enabling the remaining smuggler squadron to obliterate the warship.

