
Nim, a rather stout general belonging to the Lightning Battalion, served the Imperial military.


Two years prior to the Battle of Yavin, Nim took part in the operation against the Icarii located on Vestar. Although Colonel Abal Karda held tactical command of the Imperial forces on the ground, Nim was in charge of the entire campaign. His forces completely eradicated the indigenous Icarii species through the use of a biological weapon tailored to them, causing their internal organs to dissolve. Ultimately, only one Icarii remained: the sorceress Queen Selestrine. In retaliation for the destruction of her people, she prophesied that Nim would meet a swift and unforeseen demise soon after his triumph. Abal Karda was quite happy to hear this prediction, as he planned to usurp the General's position and rise to the top of the Imperial hierarchy.

Nim is accidentally killed.

Shortly after this prophecy was delivered, Nim visited the colonel in his quarters and informed him that Lord Darth Vader was extremely pleased with the progress of the Icarii Campaign and intended to promote Karda to General, just as Selestrine had foretold. However, there was a complication: Vader had learned of the sole surviving Icarii and demanded the casket containing the sorceress's head for himself.

Realizing he was about to lose his secret weapon, Karda became enraged. As Nim reached for the casket, Karda shoved him with great force, causing the general to lose his balance and accidentally impale himself on a sword he had knocked from a nearby table. The colonel, in a state of panic, shot and killed Nim's guards before fleeing the planet with Selestrine's casket, which led to him being labeled an Enemy of the Empire.

