Oben, a planet colony, held significant natural resources and was inhabited by the Kaleesh.
After the conclusion of the Huk War, the Yam'rii committed acts of desecration against the Kaleesh's burial sites located there. This prompted Grievous to come back from his employment with the InterGalactic Banking Clan and once again take command of the kolkpravis. The InterGalactic Banking Clan engaged in sabotage of Grievous's shuttle, known as the Martyr, almost killing him in the process and resulting in the deaths of seven out of the eight Izvoshra, who were elite warriors dedicated to protecting him and carrying out his orders. Bentilais san Sk'ar, the only Izvoshra to survive and a tyrant from the western part of Kalee, then gathered the kolkpravis and led a devastating attack on the Yam'rii residing on Oben, subsequently relocating his people there.
Following the termination of the Clone Wars and the rise of the Galactic Empire, Captain Thrawn received the assignment of pacification of the outer reaches of the known galaxy, which led him to raze Oben. Sk'ar then departed to align himself with the Empire, and leadership of the kolkpravis transitioned to a female Kaleesh who was thought to be the reincarnation of Ronderu lij Kummar, Grievous's deceased soulmate.