The Kolkpravis were a sizable group of tribal warriors from the Kaleesh people, hailing from the eastern part of the planet Kalee. Within this group, an exceptional warrior class emerged called the Izvoshra, which boasted prominent figures like Qymaen jai Sheelal and Bentilais san Sk'ar.
The Kolkpravis were established due to long-standing animosities, and in response to threats from off-world that endangered Kalee. The initial battles of the Kolkpravis involved combating Thalassian slavers and Ore Raiders.
Around 65 BBY, the Galactic Republic became concerned about the expansion of the Bitthævrian civilization from the Kadok Regions. Through a covert manipulation, the Republic exploited the Kolkpravis to advance their agenda, utilizing them as an insurgency against the Bitthævrians, which triggered the Bitthævrian War. Members of the Kolkpravis, including Qymaen jai Sheelal's great-grandmother, frequently employed Czerka outland rifles, often equipped with bayonets, as their primary weapons. The Jedi Order also participated in the Kaleesh–Bitthævrian War, with the Kolkpravis receiving assistance from Jedi such as Qui-Gon Jinn and Count Dooku. This intense conflict between the Kaleesh and Bitthævrians spanned five years, culminating in a combined Kaleesh-Jedi triumph that vanquished the Bitthævrians and nearly annihilated the m'Yalfor'ac Order. Throughout this period, the Kaleesh remained unaware that the Republic was manipulating them.
Following the Kaleesh–Bitthævrian War, the Kolkpravis encountered a new and more pressing danger: the Yam'rii, known as Huk in the Kaleesh language. The Huk invaded Kalee seeking a new world to colonize, and Qymaen jai Sheelal and his soulmate Ronderu lij Kummar led the defense of Kalee. Qymaen quickly restructured the Kolkpravis into a formal military organization, selecting eight Izvoshra, or elites. The Izvoshra were tasked with safeguarding Qymaen and executing his directives. After expelling the Huk from Kalee, Qymaen and his Kolkpavis pursued them relentlessly back to their homeworld, engaging in the slaughter of both civilians and soldiers.
The Huk appealed to the Galactic Republic for intervention, and the Republic responded by dispatching the Jedi to swiftly end the war, subsequently imposing severe sanctions on the Kaleesh people. The Kolkpravis were left defeated and demoralized, their campaign in ruins, and the economic sanctions plunged their homeworld into poverty. The khagan of the Kolkpravis, Qymaen, adopted the name Grievous to lament the loss of his soulmate, Ronderu lij Kummar, who perished in battle against the Huk.
With Kalee devastated and his soulmate gone, Grievous dedicated himself to addressing the economic hardships on Kalee, securing employment with the InterGalactic Banking Clan as a "collections agent." He returned to his homeworld upon learning that the Huk had desecrated an ancient burial ground on Oben. The InterGalactic Banking Clan, reluctant to lose a valuable employee, orchestrated the destruction of the shuttle carrying Grievous and his eight Izvoshra. Only one Izvoshra, Bentilais san Sk'ar, survived, while Grievous sustained critical injuries.
After the demise of the seven Izvoshra and Grievous's disappearance, Bentilais san Sk'ar gathered the Kolkpravis and launched an assault on the Huk on Oben, resulting in a massacre. Sk'ar then relocated the Kaleesh to Oben, a planet with more abundant resources than Kalee.
During the Imperial Era, Imperial Navy Captain Thrawn aimed to conquer the territories of the Fringe. He bombarded Oben, and Sk'ar subsequently abandoned the Kolkpravis to serve the Galactic Empire under Emperor Palpatine.
Following Sk'ar's departure, a female Kaleesh assumed leadership of the Kolkpravis, with some Kaleesh believing she was a reincarnation of Ronderu lij Kummar. The remaining Kolkpravis endeavored to protect what remained of their once-great civilization.
The Kolkpravis were structured along tribal lines. The basic unit of the Kolkpravis was the warrior, organized into a kamen, led by an officer known as a blackarm. Approximately 100 kamen formed a horde, commanded by a tarkhan. Around 100 to 200 hordes constituted a brigade, led by a baatar.
Several brigades were grouped into a khanate, overseen by one of the eight khans of the Izvoshra. The khagan held the title of Supreme Commander of the Kolkpravis, a position first held by Qymaen jai Sheelal.