The Bitthævrian War represents a historical armed struggle. It pitted the Bitthævrians residing in the Kadok Regions against a coalition consisting of the Galactic Republic, the Jedi Order, and the Kaleesh.
The Bitthævrian species, who inhabited the planet Guiteica and held sway over the larger Kadok Regions, maintained a tense relationship with the Galactic Republic for a considerable number of years. In approximately 65 BBY, an attempted coup, orchestrated by a soldier with Republic backing, aimed to overthrow Guiteica's leader but ultimately failed. This event incited the Bitthævrians to revolt against all Republic presence within the Kadok Regions. To conceal their own involvement in the incident, corrupt Republic officials manipulated the Kaleesh of the neighboring planet Kalee, falsely convincing them that the Bitthævrians posed a threat to their territory. Republic operatives then armed several Kaleesh tribes, along with the kolkpravis, the unified Kaleesh army, providing them with Czerka Outland rifles to combat the Bitthævrian militia, known as the m'Yalfor'ac Order.
To support the kolkpravis, the Jedi High Council dispatched a contingent of Jedi Knights, including Dooku and Qui-Gon Jinn. These Jedi Knights joined forces with the kolkpravis to fight against the m'Yalfor'ac Order. Notably, the great-grandmother of the Kaleesh warrior Qymaen jai Sheelal participated in this conflict. The kolkpravis employed a unique combat strategy, utilizing hopscotch tactics during the war. Upon landing on Bitthævrian worlds, half of their warriors would maintain a front line while those behind them pushed forward. In the event of a lost battle, the Kaleesh warriors would disperse and take deep cover to wage a guerilla warfare campaign, inflicting demoralizing losses. By approximately 60 BBY, the Kaleesh, including Sheelal, launched an invasion of Guiteica, resulting in the defeat of the Bitthævrians.
Following the invasion of Guiteica, many Kaleesh warriors brought home baby roggwarts, creatures native to the planet, as trophies. Sheelal was among them, naming his roggwart Gor. These creatures were raised as devoted pets and watch-beasts. Sheelal eventually inherited the Outland rifle his great-grandmother had used in the war. Shortly after the Bitthævrian War, the Kaleesh faced an attack from the Yam'rii, leading to the Huk War between the two species. During that conflict, Sheelal rose to prominence as a warlord and adopted the name Grievous.
Grievous's great-grandmother's rifle was either lost or destroyed in a shuttle crash on Kalee that resulted in Grievous becoming a cyborg by 29 BBY. The kolkpravis never realized that they had been manipulated as pawns by the Republic. Grievous kept Gor until the creature was killed in his castle on the third moon of Vassek by the Jedi Master Kit Fisto in 22 BBY.
The conflict between the Bitthævrians and the Republic was initially referenced in the 1995 West End Games sourcebook titled Alliance Intelligence Reports by Bill Smith. The conflict was officially designated as the Bitthævrian War in the 2009 sourcebook Galaxy at War.
- Alliance Intelligence Reports (First mentioned)
- The Story of General Grievous: Lord of War on Hyperspace (article) (content obsolete and backup link not available)
- The Essential Atlas (Indirect mention only)
- Galaxy at War (First identified as Bitthævrian War)
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars – The Official Episode Guide: Season 1 (Indirect mention only)
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars Official Episode Guide Series 1 & 2 (Indirect mention only)
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Episode Guide (Indirect mention only)
"Endnotes for The Story of General Grievous, Part 4: Lord of Worlds and War" — Only Sith Deal In Absolutes! — Abel G. Peña's Blog (content now obsolete; backup link)
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