Obsession 1

Obsession #1 represents the inaugural edition of the Star Wars: Obsession comic book series. Its debut occurred on November 24, 2004, under the banner of Dark Horse Comics.

Synopsis from the Publisher

During a short break from the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker spends time with his hidden wife, Padmé Amidala. Simultaneously, Obi-Wan Kenobi starts a "private" endeavor.

Kenobi's initial destination is a remote settlement situated on the marshy planet of Trigalis. There, he engages in combat against numerous bounty hunters, battles a criminal kingpin connected to Count Dooku, and receives secret assistance from fellow Jedi Aayla Secura. This is all done to confirm a story about an adversary he cannot dismiss.

Obi-Wan's fixation is growing, and he acknowledges this fact. However, the peril of approaching the dark side is a gamble he is prepared to undertake to protect the individual he holds dearest in the entire galaxy.

Dark Horse focuses on the occurrences that precede the most eagerly awaited event in Star Wars history: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith!

Storyline Synopsis

Obi-Wan, pursued by criminals aiming to pilfer and trade his lightsaber, speeds through a Trigalis swamp on a swoop bike. He defeats his chasers, as well as the Black Sun tax collectors who arrive afterwards to seize all his possessions. He then connects with Aayla Secura, who reveals that the entire settlement is controlled by a criminal boss named Xist, who may possess intelligence regarding Asajj Ventress. Concurrently, Anakin and Padmé enjoy a private evening together.

After extracting details from Xist, Kenobi briefs the Jedi Council on his discoveries. They grant him authorization to pursue Ventress, who Xist claimed might have been left on a space yacht owned by Corillean trader Drama Korr. Aayla provides Kenobi with her starfighter, and Kenobi departs.

