The Official Tournament Sealed Deck for the Star Wars Customizable Card Game was originally launched in May of 1998. This product included a unique, non-random pack of 18 cards with a black border. Each Official Tournament Sealed Deck had 4 Premier expansion packs with a white border (each containing 15 cards), one Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope expansion pack with a black border (also 15 cards), and the aforementioned fixed pack of 18 new black-border cards (9 Light Side and 9 Dark Side), which were identical across all sets. The Sealed Deck box could accommodate 300 cards without sleeves or 150 cards with sleeves.
There were a total of six distinct designs for the Sealed Deck boxes, each showcasing a different well-known Star Wars character:
- Boba Fett (purple box lid)
- Leia Organa (blue box lid)
- Darth Vader (black box lid)
- Jabba the Hutt (orange box lid)
- C-3PO (yellow box lid)
- Luke Skywalker (red box lid)
While the box lids all featured headshots of the characters as depicted in the game, the Luke Skywalker box displayed an image of him in full pilot gear that was never used on any of his character cards within the game. No other versions of Luke from any sets showed him in pilot attire.
The 18 cards that were part of the fixed set are as follows:
Rebel Trooper Recruit
Corulag (LS)
It's a Hit
Faithful Service
Stormtrooper Cadet
Corulag (DS)
Tarkin's Orders
Forced Servitude
Tatooine: Tusken Canyon
The images for both the Dreadnaught and the Z-95 were created through the collaborative efforts of the Decipher Art Department and LucasArts to incorporate visuals from sources beyond the films into the game. Although not the initial attempt (TIE Scout holds that distinction, along with the bounty hunter ships designed for Dagobah, which later served as inspiration for the Micro Machines Star Wars Action Fleet toy line), these particular cards marked the first instance of integrating concepts originating from The Thrawn Trilogy.
Z-95 Headhunter, Gold Squadron Y-Wing, Red Squadron X-Wing, Arleil Schous, Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser, Black Squadron TIE, and Chall Bekan were all subsequently re-released as foil cards in Reflections II.
- Official Tournament Sealed Deck Database at CCGTrader
- Premium card list at