Omega-class freighter

The Omega-class freighter represented a class of freighter employed by the Imperial forces.



An Omega-class landing.

The Omega-class freighter exhibited a gray, bulky form. Its main hull design bore a resemblance to the body of an AT-AT. A widened central portion featured lateral ramps, facilitating the loading and unloading of freight. The cockpit resided at the front, situated at the base of the primary hull structure. A slender access corridor provided a connection between the cockpit and the main hull. The aft section incorporated short wings equipped with winglets. Extendable landing struts, totaling four, were positioned at each corner of the main hull.


Taking off.

This freighter utilized two distinct engine systems. The primary propulsion was delivered by three engines arranged in a line at the rear of the vessel. A separate set of engines, located beneath the ship, facilitated vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) operations. Two of these engines were situated under the midsection, with the remaining one at the front. These engines provided sufficient maneuverability for the ship to avoid incoming fire from ground-based laser batteries.


Cockpit interior.

Positioned at the lower front of the main hull, the cockpit's design mirrored that of the Lambda-class or Kappa-class shuttles. Accessible via a connecting corridor from the main hull, the cockpit accommodated a crew of two along with an astromech droid. The crew members were seated side-by-side, with an astromech scomp link access panel located between them. Although a single astromech could manage all of the ship's functions independently, a standard pilot required droid assistance to operate the freighter effectively.

Weapons and defense

Firing turbolasers

This freighter was equipped with a minimum of two fire-linked turbolaser cannons. These armaments were installed in the forward section of the main hull, positioned above the cockpit. Despite being solely forward-facing, the weapons could be aimed at a range of angles, including directly downwards. An astromech droid could control these weapons directly from the cockpit.

Defensively, the Omega-class lacked shields, relying instead on hull armor. This made it susceptible to both laser fire and impacts from physical objects.

To safeguard against unauthorized access, the nav-computer could be protected by a silent alarm system, alerting the owner to any unauthorized access via remote.


The cargo bay.

Being a freighter, the majority of the ship's internal space was purposed for cargo handling. The main hull was entirely hollow, providing storage for a large number of cargo containers. Substantial ramps located on either side of the midsection enabled the loading and unloading of larger cargo items, or multiple smaller items simultaneously. Droids were required to load cargo, either manually or using repulsor sleds.

These ramps were capable of being opened during flight, leading to the potential ejection of unsecured containers.


Omega-class freighters at Mos Eisley.

At least one of these freighters saw action during the occupation of Biitu in 15 BBY.

The Imperial garrison stationed at Mos Eisley utilized several of these freighters.

