One of a Kind (short story)

"One of a Kind," a brief narrative crafted by Paul Danner, first saw publication within the pages of Star Wars Adventure Journal 5, courtesy of West End Games, back in February of 1995. Later, it was digitally released via Hyperspace on December 17, 2004.

Storyline Overview

Sienn Sconn, a thief, finds himself in the Binary Bar, contemplating how to acquire the credits needed to settle his overdue rent with his landlord. The arrival of Shandria L'hnnar, who takes a seat at a table after procuring a beverage from the bartender, marks a turning point. As stormtroopers appear with the intent to apprehend rebels, Sconn aids L'hnnar in her flight. He fends off the attacking Imperial soldiers along with the bounty hunter Pentix Graphyt, accompanying L'hnnar to the spaceport, enabling her to board her vessel and flee the planet.

