"Lumiya: Dark Star of the Empire", a short story penned by Michael Mikaelian, appeared in Star Wars Galaxy #3. The Topps Company, Inc. published this magazine in the Spring of 1995. Furthermore, the story was accessible online via Hyperspace. The setting is 4 ABY, taking place at some point following the Battle of Saijo. Beyond the primary narrative, Dark Star offers a substantial amount of background information concerning the title character, which is elaborated upon in her article.
Lumiya's Nebulon-B frigate, named Revenant, is accompanied by the CR90 corvettes Wolf-Pack and Borealis. They are traversing the Cron Drift on their way to Communications Research Station Epsilon Nine. The purpose is to receive a progress update from the Imperial forces stationed there, who are engaged in highly classified research. Subsequently, an ensign reports that New Republic comlink frequencies are emanating from Epsilon Nine, suggesting the Republic has seized control of the station. Simultaneously, Revenant is ambushed by a squadron of nine X-wing fighters. Lumiya directs Wolf-Pack and Borealis to target Epsilon Nine's laser cannons. She also deploys two squadrons of TIE interceptors and TIE bombers, tasking the former with eliminating the X-wings and the latter with supporting the Corvettes. The X-wings are quickly overcome, and Lumiya's fleet persists in bombarding Epsilon Nine.
Borealis deploys a pair of A5 Juggernauts onto the station's surface. These vehicles smash through the perimeter fences and barricades, destroying the exterior blast doors. Shortly after, red-armored stormtroopers follow, and a Lambda-class shuttle departs from the Revenant towards Epsilon Nine. Upon Lumiya's arrival at the station aboard the shuttle, a stormtrooper informs her that all Republic forces have been eliminated and all personnel have been accounted for. Lumiya approaches the scientists, reminding them of their task to develop new spy satellites for Imperial Intelligence, and states that she will "overlook consorting with the enemy just this once." Following this, Lumiya and her crimson stormtroopers re-embark their shuttles and depart from Epsilon Nine.