
Oobel, hailing from the Forest Moon of Endor, was a member of the Gupin species. He shared familial ties with Mring-Mring, being his sibling, and was also a cousin to Punt.

After Punt ascended to the position of ruler, the Grass Trekkers absconded with the key to the Juniper Chest. This theft effectively stopped the Gupins from renewing their abilities. Driven by desperation, Oobel went in search of Mring-Mring, who had been ostracized, as he believed Mring-Mring was the foretold king of their race.

The key was eventually found with assistance from the Ewoks, specifically Wicket Wystri Warrick and his companions. Nevertheless, Mring-Mring was compelled by events to try and open the chest without the key, and when he succeeded, he was declared king and immediately named Oobel as his second-in-command.

