
Punt held the title of king amongst the Gupins inhabiting the Forest Moon of Endor. He shared familial ties with both Mring-Mring and Oobel, being their cousin. Mring-Mring faced banishment at Punt's command due to his lack of wings. During an assault by the Grass Trekkers on the Gupin stronghold, Punt was compelled to surrender the key to the Juniper Chest, a vital power source for the Gupins.

Following the retrieval of the ring by Oobel, Mring-Mring, Wicket Wystri Warrick and their companions, Punt commenced the official Renewal Ceremony. This occurred even as the fortress remained under siege, much to the heroes' annoyance. Despite his efforts, Punt couldn't unlock the chest and even broke the key in the process. Amidst Punt's panic, Mring-Mring successfully opened the chest, thereby fulfilling the Gupin prophecy that declared the one capable of this feat would become king. Consequently, the Gupins' powers were restored, enabling them to overcome the Grass Trekkers.

Subsequently, Punt was brought before the newly crowned King. While he received a scolding for his avarice, his demonstrated capacity for leadership was acknowledged, leading to his appointment as third in command, following Oobel.

Behind the scenes

The voice of Punt was provided by Rob Cowan.

