
OreDiggers represented a modified variant of the MG-100 StarFortress SF-17 heavy bomber, adapted for the purpose of mining operations. These craft saw service with Central Ridge, a mining enterprise with its headquarters located on the planet of Hays Minor. Following the First Order's seizure of the planet, the OreDiggers underwent armament with a formidable laser system. They were subsequently employed to excavate directly through the crust of Hays Minor in order to acquire minerals, ultimately resulting in the planet's destruction.


OreDiggers were extensively reworked versions of the MG-100 StarFortress SF-17 heavy bomber, and were operated by the Central Ridge Mining Company which was based on Hays Minor. After the First Order established a blockade of the system, Captain Wolstenholme received orders to supervise the mining activities that were being done directly on the planet.

