The Orfites were sentient beings (sapients) native to the planet Kidron.
Their anatomy was characterized by four substantial lungs housed within their capacious chests, an adaptation to Kidron's rarefied atmosphere. Orfites possessed wide noses featuring prominent nostrils and elaborate olfactory lobes. Their skin exhibited an orange hue, complemented by delicate red hair that adorned their scalps and extended down their backs. Sexual dimorphism was minimal (sexes), although females typically displayed thicker eyebrows. Due to the low gravitational forces of their home planet, Kidron, most Orfites required the use of a power harness to facilitate comfortable and efficient movement when traveling off-world.
Olfaction, their most acute sense, was central to Orfite society. They generated potent pheromones that served as a means of individual identification, analogous to facial recognition in Humans. Orfites maintained a basic social structure organized around tribal gatherings known as sahh. Each sahh exerted control over a large area of Kidron's jungle. They engaged in trade with external parties, including a small colony of refugees, utilizing native Kril meat as a medium of exchange. Orfite society was inherently peaceful and non-aggressive, resulting in a complete absence of warfare between the sahhs. Known for their generosity and resource-sharing, Orfites punished thieves and violent offenders by scarring and exiling them from their respective sahhs. Dissatisfied individuals were free to leave their sahh and establish a new one with other Orfites who shared their ideals.
For the purpose of managing interactions with off-world visitors and coordinating among the various sahhs, the Orfites established the Council of Gordek.

The Orfa Olfactory Corporation was founded through a cooperative venture involving several Sahhs and investors from other worlds. This collaboration led to the creation of the scent mask, a device comprised of a breath mask connected to a belt-mounted unit via a small tube. The unit contained a half-liter of water and was designed to accommodate small tablets, which it processed to produce the mask's inhalant. While Scent Masks were originally intended to provide intricate pheromone-based entertainment for Orfites, the introduction of various intoxicant tablets led to their widespread popularity throughout the Elrood sector.