Orin Nyell

Orin Nyell, a male individual, operated as a crime lord, smuggler, and racketeer in the underworld. Sometime before 32 BBY, Nyell found himself in a dispute with Borzu Nale, a Fluggrian crime boss. Nyell's illicit trade involved transporting water to the desert planet of Sernpidal, sourcing it from Ploo IV, Nale's homeworld. Nale perceived Nyell's activities as damaging to his own financial gains. Consequently, Nyell hired Aldar Beedo, a Glymphid bounty hunter, with the intention to assassinate Nale. Beedo, whose species held a deep-seated animosity toward Fluggrians, eagerly accepted the assignment and promptly carried out the hit. During his time spent on Sernpidal, he made the acquaintance of Rango Tel, a local resident, whom he employed for various minor tasks.

Shortly thereafter, Kam, Nale's son, initiated a search to find his father's murderer. Upon discovering Beedo's identity and learning that the Glymphid was a podracer, Kam entered the podracing circuit. His intention was to eliminate Beedo during the Boonta Eve Classic. Nyell became aware of Kam's pursuit and feared that the younger Nale might inherit his father's criminal organization, potentially leading to a recurrence of past conflicts. When Rango Tel, his former associate, contacted him seeking employment as a bounty hunter, Nyell dispatched him to pursue Kam, hoping to neutralize the threat permanently. Although Tel realized that Kam had no desire to engage in criminal activities or harbor any ill will toward Nyell, he continued to fulfill his contract. He confronted Kam in an alley, but the Fluggrian's superior speed and Tel's inadequate armor proved to be his undoing. Kam fatally shot Tel with his blaster pistol, killing him.

Driven by the attempt on his life, Kam returned to his home planet and embraced his father's profession, precisely the outcome Nyell had strived to prevent.


  • Tel, Rango "Tank Head" in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link) (First mentioned)
  • The Not-So Magnificent Seven on StarWars.com (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)
