
Oriolanis was a planet found on land, situated within the Oriolanis system. This system resided within the Oriolan sector, a region of the Mid Rim. Oriolanis Defense Systems, a smaller tech firm, had its headquarters on Oriolanis, and was in operation by 27 BBY. Leading up to 4 ABY's Battle of Endor, Oriolanis hosted a Class II military shipyard operated by the Galactic Empire. Their production was restricted to just Imperial-class Star Destroyers. It was a planet in the Oriolanis system, a part of the Mid Rim's Oriolan sector.

Behind the scenes

The name Oriolanis initially appeared in The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology, a reference book from 2004 written by W. Haden Blackman. The Oriolanis system, and thus also the planet, was located in grid square J-16 according to the 2009 reference work The Essential Atlas.


  • The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology (Initial mention)
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare

Notes and references
