The Oriolan sector existed within the Mid Rim region and encompassed the Oriolanis, Polomie, and Werta systems. During the time of the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance had bases on both Polomie itself and on a moon within the Werta system; these bases were targets of attacks launched by the forces of the Galactic Empire. Conversely, the planet of Oriolanis served as an Imperial military shipyard.
The sector of Oriolan could be found in the Mid Rim. Around 0 ABY, it shared borders with the Sombure sector in the spinward direction, the Iska and Masla sectors towards the Rimward direction, and the Halm sector along with the Jidlor Marches in the trailing direction. It also constituted a portion of the Coreward edge of the Mid Rim, bordering the Har Worlds and Piryn Shar sectors of the Expansion Region.
The Oriolanis, Polomie, and Werta systems were all situated inside the Oriolan sector, and they were home to the planet Oriolanis, the celestial body Polomie, and a terrestrial moon, respectively. The hyperlane known as the Great Gran Run traversed the northern part of this sector, providing a route to the Halm system in the Halm sector and the Har system within the Har Worlds.
As part of the Western Reaches Operation in 17 BBY, forces of the Galactic Empire moved Rimward using the portion of the Great Gran Run that cut through the Oriolan sector. During the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance operated a stronghold on Polomie, in addition to a substantial base located on the moon of the Werta system. At some point before 1 BBY, Imperial military forces commanded by Inspector-General Moff Rebu devastated the Rebel forces at the stronghold on Polomie, and the Empire also mounted a significant assault against the base in the Werta system.
In the time leading up to the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Oriolanis hosted a shipyard responsible for the production of Imperial-class Star Destroyers for the Empire. Later in that same year, the extragalactic Nagai and Tof species traveled along the portion of the Great Gran Run that crossed through the Oriolan sector while advancing Coreward as part of the secondary phases of their separate invasions of the galaxy.
The Oriolan sector was first mentioned in the Online Companion for The Essential Atlas reference book from 2009, which was authored by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry. The sector was visually represented on a map designed by Modi in 2012, and published as part of the Online Companion feature titled "Essential Atlas Extra: Sectors of the Mid Rim."
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