Western Reaches Operation

The Western Reaches Operation represents a military endeavor undertaken by the Galactic Empire circa 17 BBY. Its primary objective was to eradicate the remaining entrenched forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems from the territories encompassing the Western Reaches.


As the Clone Wars reached their conclusion, specifically following the collapse at Bomis Koori IV, the surviving elements of the CIS military retreated towards the Outer Rim, utilizing the Corellian Trade Spine to navigate into the Western Reaches. They sought refuge amongst the piratical strongholds and the enslavers' dens characteristic of the region's lawlessness. With the establishment of the New Order, Emperor Palpatine entrusted Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, hailing from Eriadu, with the responsibility of restoring order to the area.

Tarkin held a skeptical view of the Planetary Security Forces operating within the Western Reaches, deeming them unreliable. He also perceived the concentration of pirates and Separatist remnants as a considerable danger, and therefore requested substantial military reinforcements. Consequently, Admirals Terrinald Screed and Bannidge Holt were appointed as co-commanders of the Western Reaches Superiority Force, while General Hurst Romodi was designated to lead the ground troops. Tarkin himself oversaw the operation from his base on Eriadu.

The campaign

General Romodi leading from the open hatch of a Floating Fortress.

Initiating their advance from Eriadu, the combined forces of Screed and Holt achieved an early victory against the Separatists at the Battle of Kelrodo-Ai. This success was largely due to the daring maneuver executed by TIE Fighter ace Shea Hublin, who breached the defenses of the Citadel of Axes, effectively disabling the planetary shield and paving the way for Romodi's ground invasion. The Empire then secured another triumph at the Battle of Pendaxa.

With the Outer Rim territories under control, Tarkin shifted his focus northward. Imperial forces proceeded along the Rimma Trade Route, defeating the Separatists at the Battle of Ord Vaug, before turning back south along the Corellian Trade Spine. This led to further victories at Halm, Ichtor, Little Petrovi, and the Feather Nebula, where Hublin distinguished himself further. During these engagements, Hurst Romodi gained notoriety for commanding assaults from the exposed hatch of a Floating Fortress.

The campaign continued southward at Bryndar, where Bannidge Holt was killed and Romodi severely wounded in an attack perpetrated by Iska pirates disguised as local authorities. Despite his blindness, Romodi continued to oversee the ground operations from within a bacta tank.

Screed and Hublin decisively defeated the Iska pirates at the Battle of Fanha, compelling the pirate leader Guun Cutlax to seek refuge in the Atravis sector. Cutlax joined forces with Separatist units under the command of General Kendu Ultho, but was pursued by Screed and Hublin up the Hydian Way. Cutlax was defeated at the Battle of Tosste, and the operation concluded with Ultho's defeat at the Battle of Ogoth Tiir.

Over the course of this military action, the Empire successfully liberated ninety-five planets and restored order to eight sectors.


The Western Reaches Operation captured the widespread attention of the Imperial populace, turning the battles at Ord Vaug, Halm, Pendaxa and Ichtor into iconic events throughout the Empire. In subsequent years, Imperial citizens often recalled where they were when they learned of Holt's death and Romodi's injuries at Bryndar. The Empire heavily promoted the campaign through propaganda, and it was adapted into films such as The Charge at Feather Nebula and The Guns of Kelrodo-Ai.

Following the campaign, Hurst Romodi became the representative of his home Lambda sector in the Imperial Senate, although psychological issues stemming from his injuries limited him to a single term. His final assignment was as Battle Station Operations Chief aboard the First Death Star, serving under his former superior, Tarkin. The operation also marked the pinnacle of Terrinald Screed's career. He faded into relative obscurity afterward, eventually engaging in corrupt business and slaving ventures in the Outer Rim with Governor Bisad Koong of Roon.


