Pendaxa was a planetary body that existed inside the Pendaxa system. This system was found within the Jjannex sector of the Western Reaches, a section of the Outer Rim Territories. Specifically, it was located along the hyperlane route known as the Lipsec Run, which provided a connection to the Kelrodo-Ai system situated in the Steniplis sector and the Mev system within the Anoat sector.
During the initial stages of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, the Eighteenth Sector Army of the Galactic Republic was assigned the task of confronting the military forces belonging to the Confederacy of Independent Systems near Pendaxa. By 17 BBY, Pendaxa had become part of the territory held by Separatist holdouts. In that year, the Galactic Empire's military engaged in a notable battle there as part of the Western Reaches Operation, which was a campaign targeting both pirates and remaining Separatist forces and was included in the Imperial Reconquest of the Rim.
Pendaxa first appeared in The Essential Guide to Warfare, a reference book published in 2012 and written by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart. The Online Companion on for the reference book The Essential Atlas from 2009 later identified the Pendaxa system, and therefore Pendaxa, as being located in grid square K-19.