During the era of the Galactic Civil War, specifically on the planetoid known as Polomie, a significant battle transpired. This conflict pitted the forces of the Galactic Empire against those of the Rebel Alliance, occurring approximately between the years of 2 and 1 BBY. Notably, this engagement served as the initial operational evaluation of the Empire's Nemesis-class gunship. In the course of the battle, the gunship employed both its Hellcaster cannon and concussion missiles; the considerable noise emanating from its engines proved to be an advantage for the Imperial forces. This intense auditory assault significantly impacted the morale of the Rebel troops, leading to a widespread rout. Having sustained only minimal damage, the gunship successfully completed its objectives. Subsequently, Inspector-General Moff [Rebu] presented a mission report concerning the gunship's performance to the Imperial Department of Military Research. His assessment was highly favorable, indicating that the gunship had surpassed all anticipated benchmarks.
The battle that unfolded on Polomie was initially referenced within the "The Nemesis Gunship" entry found in the in-game databank of the PlayStation 3/Xbox 360 iterations of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, a video game developed by LucasArts and launched in 2010.