Polomie was a planet located within the Polomie system, which itself resided in the Oriolan sector of the Mid Rim's region. During the era of the Galactic Civil War, Polomie served as the location of a Rebel Alliance stronghold.
No later than 1 BBY, Imperial military forces under the command of Inspector-General Moff Rebu launched an attack targeting the Rebel stronghold situated there. This military action marked the initial operational test of the new Imperial Nemesis-class gunship; the warship inflicted heavy losses on the Rebel forces before returning to its Imperial base. Subsequently, Rebu submitted a report to the Imperial Department of Military Research detailing the gunship's performance during the engagement on Polomie.
The planet Polomie received a mention within the "The Nemesis Gunship" entry present in the in-game databank of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. This video game was released by LucasArts in 2010. Furthermore, the StarWars.com Online Companion that accompanied the 2009 reference work The Essential Atlas pinpointed the Polomie system, and thus the planet itself, within grid square J-16.