Orowood Tower

Orowood Tower, located in Orowood on Coruscant, was a towering apartment complex of thirty-eight stories that offered a spectacular panorama of the Manarai Mountains. The Solo family at one time possessed a modest apartment on the thirtieth level. The building also featured a sizable shopping complex on its second story, landing platforms on its third, and five tapcafes situated on the fourth. Constructed according to the Alderaanian style, its initial purpose was to serve as the inaugural structure within a sanctuary for survivors of the destruction of Alderaan. Yet, Coruscant never gained favor among the Alderaanian people, and following the Siege of Coruscant, the remaining Alderaanian refugees departed. Consequently, the Tower transitioned into a residential space catering to the affluent.

In the year 19 ABY, some years following the demise of Grand Admiral Thrawn, Lando Calrissian journeyed to Orowood Tower to inform Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo that Thrawn yet lived. Despite Calrissian's assertion of having encountered Thrawn, the Solos remained unconvinced. The truth was that Thrawn remained deceased, and the individual Calrissian had met was actually Flim, a swindler posing as Grand Admiral Thrawn.

