
The Jedi Master named Ortraag, a male, lived approximately four millennia prior to the Battle of Yavin. He mentored and elevated Shalavaa, a Human male, to the position of Jedi Protector, tasking him with the protection of a fenti bean colony. Ortraag journeyed back to the planet in due course, just in time to observe Shalavaa's battle against a local flesh-eating plant.


Ortraag was a male individual strong in the Force who underwent training as a member of the Jedi Order around the time of the Old Sith Wars, around 4000 BBY. He eventually achieved the rank of Jedi Master and took on the responsibility of training the Human male named Shalavaa. Once Ortraag deemed Shalavaa's training complete, he promoted the Human to the rank of Jedi Protector, and the pair traveled in an old spacecraft to a settlement of fenti bean cultivators. There, Ortraag assigned his student the duty of safeguarding the colonists and maintaining order before departing the world.

After a number of weeks had passed, Ortraag made his way back to the planet only to discover Shalavaa investigating a chasm that the colonists believed was haunted. Upon witnessing Shalavaa successfully slay a dangerous carnivorous plant, Ortraag offered his congratulations to his former apprentice, informing him that he was now ready to face more significant challenges beyond this world.

Personality and traits

Ortraag possessed the ability to teach his apprentice how to utilize the Force to enhance his senses of hearing and vision.


The Jedi Master carried a lightsaber, the signature weapon of the Jedi. He wore a dark robe and a belt from which his weapon was suspended.

Behind the scenes

Peter Schweighofer conceived of Ortraag for the tabletop game adventure titled Jedi Protector, which was published in Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 13 in 1997. The story presented three potential outcomes to Shalavaa's encounter with the flesh-eating plant, each contingent upon the results of several dice rolls. The scenario described above reflects the two successful and more probable outcomes. The least likely scenario involves Ortraag intervening and eliminating the plant with his own lightsaber, ultimately concluding that his student lacks the necessary competence to operate independently.

