
Six-limbed, arboreal herbivores that reached heights of three meters, Oslets originated from Joralla, and are described in legends regarding their limbs, size, and diet. The Tikiarri people utilized them as riding animals. A notable feature of the oslet was its extraordinarily flexible neck, capable of a full 360-degree rotation of its head.

Appearance and Biology

The oslet was a typical animal found on Joralla. This sizable plant-eater possessed three pairs of limbs, coupled with a torso divided into three segments, allowing for exceptional agility. The lowest pair of limbs were lengthy, robust, and heavily muscled, perfectly suited for leaping, whereas the middle and uppermost limbs were shorter and more suitable for climbing.

Oslets subsisted on leaves, fruits, and vines found in trees, constructing their nests high up in the branches of Joralla's gigantic sio trees. They possessed long, supple necks and small, triangular heads featuring elongated snouts. Their heads could rotate a full circle. Their coloration typically consisted of deep reds and browns. Oslets were prone to being easily startled, choosing flight over confrontation. Despite their timidity, they proved to be easily trained as mounts and demonstrated skill in navigating the jungle's trees with speed.

