Tikiarri (singular: Tikiar) represented a species of intelligent, predatory avian creatures with a dark, streamlined physique, originating from Joralla within the Mektrun sector. The Tikiar starfighter received its designation in their honor. Notably, they utilized the six-limbed creatures known as Oslets as riding animals.
The Tikiarri's physical attributes were ideally suited for aerial movement, exhibiting features such as lightweight, porous skeletal structures, expansive wingspans, a sharply pointed beak, and exceptional visual acuity. They subsisted on decaying organic matter. The typical duration of a Tikiarri's life was approximately 30 local years; however, the majority of males perished in battles or hunting expeditions before reaching the age of 20, while most females died before the age of 20 due to mandatory early reproduction (between ages eight and 10).
The Tikiarri engaged in the selective breeding of wulkarsk, valuing them for their aggressive nature and capacity to obey basic instructions. Their hunting technique involved releasing a pack of wulkarsk and monitoring their advancement while soaring on air currents. Upon a successful kill by the wulkarsk, the Tikiarri would descend to the location to consume the prey, frequently transporting portions back to the nest for other members of their community. The Tikiarri displayed a strong competitive spirit both within their own tribe and in relation to adjacent clans, leading to frequent conflicts between tribes.
In theory, the most courageous and skilled male governed tribes; however, in practice, the most cunning male would eliminate any potential rivals and seize control of the tribe by default. Tribal leaders were considered exceptionally lucky if they managed to survive their initial year in power. These tribes also developed an infatuation with sophisticated weaponry after a merchant exposed them to blasters. Hunts were often organized by the tribes with the purpose of killing off-worlders to obtain their weapons, and the majority of tribes possessed one or two blaster pistols, typically wielded by the tribal chief.