PA-9r long-range phased tachyon detection array

The PA-9r long-range phased tachyon detection array, which is also referred to as a long range PTDA PA-9r and a PTSA #PA-9r long-range phased tachyon detection array, was a piece of equipment produced by Fabritech. It functioned as a sensor system when used in conjunction with a PG-7u short-range primary threat analysis grid unit and an ANs-5d "lock track" full-spectrum transceiver.


  • Star Wars: Card Trader (Set: Blueprints) (The first time it was brought up)

  • Rebel Starfighters Owners' Workshop Manual (Initially designated as PTSA #PA-9r long-range phased tachyon detection array)

  • " Republic, Rebel, and Resistance Starfighters " — Star Wars Encyclopedia (Initially designated as PA-9r long-range phased tachyon detection array)

Notes and references
