Palpatine's second sister

One of the daughters of Cosinga Palpatine, the Naboo aristocrat who led House Palpatine, and his wife, was Palpatine's second sister. She was one of at least two female offspring, and sibling to the future Darth Sidious, also known as the Sith Dark Lord, Senator of Naboo, Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, and Emperor of the galaxy.


The relationship that Palpatine had with his second sister, mirroring his relationships with all his siblings, was characterized by coldness. They viewed him as an outsider, while he, in turn, saw them as subservient individuals, holding them in utter disdain.

In the year 65 BBY, Palpatine's sister journeyed to Chandrila aboard the Palpatine family yacht, accompanied by her father, mother, siblings, and bodyguards. Their mission was to forcibly retrieve their eldest brother from Chandrila. However, after the starship departed the [planet](/article/planet-legends], Palpatine unleashed the dark side of the Force, brutally murdering his entire family and the bodyguards, leaving no one alive.

Each time his Sith master, Darth Plagueis, prompted him to vividly recall the murders as a crucial part of his training in the dark side, Palpatine would remember the lifeless bodies of his siblings sprawled across the starship floor.

