Passel Argente's uncle

Passel Argente's uncle, who held the Magistrate title in the Corporate Alliance, was a Koorivar male. To secure Senator Bezz Drexx's allegiance to the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars, he offered Drexx a bribe. This occurred when he was handing credits to Drexx at a party the senator hosted; however, this act was discovered, and the Republic obtained proof of Drexx's corruption.


The Koorivar male relative of Passel Argente, who served as a Magistrate within the Corporate Alliance, was an agent working on behalf of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the conflict known as the Clone Wars, which pitted the Confederacy against the Galactic Republic, this individual attempted to corrupt the Republic's Senator Bezz Drexx by offering him credits to ensure Drexx's loyalty was with the Separatist cause. Although Senator Bail Organa had suspicions regarding Drexx's potential acceptance of bribes, he had been unable to secure concrete evidence.

Argente's uncle at Drexx's party

This particular payment was made by the Koorivar during a social gathering hosted by Drexx on the planet of Coruscant. To speak with the senator privately, the Koorivar had to separate Drexx from a conversation he was having with Senator Padmé Amidala and Sheltay Retrac, an aide to Senator Organa. Both Amidala and Retrac had become suspicious of Drexx due to his unexplained wealth, a topic they had previously discussed with Organa.

Amidala and Retrac observed the Koorivar presenting Drexx with a case filled with money. The Separatist expressed his expectation that the sum would be sufficient to maintain Drexx's allegiance to the Confederacy. However, the senator was more interested in acquiring a Narglatch speeder with the funds. Drexx then noticed Amidala observing their exchange and ordered his guards to apprehend her. Amidala managed to escape with the evidence, which included a holovid recording the Koorivar bribing the senator, which she then presented to the Republic authorities.

Personality and traits

The Koorivar showed a willingness to engage in bribery of high-ranking officials to benefit the Separatist cause. His physical characteristics included light blue skin and light blue eyes.


The attire worn by Argente's uncle consisted of an orange robe crafted from shimmerbird tongues.

Behind the scenes

The character of Passel Argente's uncle made an appearance in "Spy Girls," a concise comic story authored by Ryan Kaufman, with illustrations by Stewart McKenny. This story was featured in the seventh volume of the Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures graphic novel series, released on January 31, 2007.

