Patrick O'Kane

Patrick O'Kane, an actor hailing from Ireland, was born on December 15, 1965. He is known for his performance as Tritt Opan in the film Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi. He also played Francesco Gonzaga in multiple episodes of The Borgias, a historical fiction drama series. Furthermore, O'Kane made a guest appearance in "Valar Morghulis", an episode of Game of Thrones, acting alongside Faye Marsay as Jaqen H'ghar, the Faceless Man, after the character's transformation.


  • On the official Star Wars YouTube channel, you can find This Week! in Star Wars Exciting Lucasfilm Announcements, A New Story From The High Republic, and More! (backup link)

Notes and references

  • Find Patrick O'Kane on Wikipedia
  • Patrick O'Kane can be found at the Internet Movie Database
