
Phalaf, a non-Human male peasant, stood in fierce opposition to the Satab ruler's authority on Ventooine during the Imperial Period, joining forces with the Rov Vetter Piin. Driven by an intense animosity towards the elite, Phalaf plotted to assassinate Chrysalla, the cherished ward and lover of the Satab. His plan involved launching a bomb from a building's top onto her transport; however, Han Solo, an individual from off-world, intervened and thwarted his attempt, leading to Phalaf's capture by the Satab's security forces. Despite anticipating torture upon being presented to the Satab at his royal residence, the Satab instead utilized the abilities bestowed upon him by the Shadeshine substance. With a simple touch, he accelerated Phalaf's metabolic processes, resulting in death by accelerated aging in the young man, who was approximately 18 years old.

