A V-150 Planetary ion cannon is shown discharging its weapon in the Battle of Hoth. A planetary ion cannon represented a substantial ion-based weapon, capable of both temporary and permanent impairment of electrical systems, as well as shield penetration. Predominantly employed for defensive purposes, these cannons also found use among pirates operating on lawless worlds like Lok, where they served to neutralize ships for subsequent plundering.
Typically, a dedicated reactor buried underground served as its source of power, and its construction could be completed in a matter of hours.
During the Battle of Hoth, a V-150 model was deployed on the planet Hoth. This ion cannon successfully targeted and struck the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Tyrant of the Imperial-Star Destroyer line, rendering it inoperable. This action enabled several Rebel medium transports to flee the planet before the Imperial invasion began.
During the Empire Reborn Crisis, specifically in the Battle of Artus Prime, two planetary ion cannons of an unspecified design were utilized.
The manufacturing of planetary ion cannons, including the V-150, was largely undertaken by Kuat Drive Yards.