Plant growth formula

Plant growth formula is shown partially outside of its container. Plant growth formula represents a concoction that was created by Logray, the Shaman, located on the forest moon of Endor not long before the Battle of Endor. This potion, characterized by its blue color, possessed the remarkable capability to induce plant life to flourish at an increased tempo, amplifying their dimensions and fortitude to exceptional levels. It is believed that the initial aim of this formula was to augment the edible plants grown by the Ewoks residing in Bright Tree Village. Nevertheless, the formula is most recognized for initiating the stranglethorn crisis, an event that occurred when an early version of the plant growth formula was inadvertently dropped onto a carnivorous stranglethorn by Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, the Ewok Princess.

The consequences of the plant growth formula could be nullified through an opposing agent, crafted from a blend of Keet nectar, ganga root, and Trome sap. Logray maintained a vial of this counter-agent within his dwelling, prepared for any potential misuse of the formula. However, amidst the incident involving the stranglethorn, Logray's dwelling became inaccessible due to the gigantic plant, compelling Kneesaa and Wicket Wystri Warrick to procure the antidote's components through alternative means.

