Kete nectar

Kete nectar was a highly valued, thick fluid, known for its importance in Ewok potion-making. This substance was created by Ketes inside their hive located on the forest moon of Endor. The Ketes transported the nectar within small, spherical receptacles called nectar pearls, which facilitated easy storage of the nectar in different storage locations within the hive. Kete nectar's most notable application was in the creation of an antidote for the potent plant growth formula. During the events of the stranglethorn crisis, two Ewoks, Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka and Wicket Wystri Warrick, journeyed to the Kete hive with the intention of acquiring some of this esteemed nectar. Whether this specific nectar served as the origin for honey remains unconfirmed.

