Pok (Twi'lek)

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During the Galactic Empire's reign, a Twi'lek male named Pok became involved with the Free Ryloth Movement. This occurred following the Clone Wars, specifically eight years after their commencement. Pok spearheaded a group that successfully hijacked and stole an Imperial transport. This transport was laden with weaponry originating from the Yaga Minor shipyards. Pok and his team tried to evade Imperial forces in pursuit, aiming to meet up with Cham Syndulla, who was the leader of the Free Ryloth movement. However, Darth Vader intercepted Pok's team, boarding their freighter. Vader then killed everyone in Pok's group. Finally, Vader Force choked Pok, resulting in his death. Cham Syndulla and his lieutenant, Isval, overheard Pok's death via their communications system. This event spurred them to intensify their rebellion against the Galactic Empire.

