It was said that a military officer, named Polen, resided on Tatooine well in advance of the Galactic Civil War. This male figure was linked to a famous rumor by the time the Battle of Yavin took place: the construction of a puzzling maze on Tatooine. The narrative suggests that Polen engaged in an illicit affair with the spouse of his commanding officer, Mosor. Polen orchestrated his discharge and returned home from conflict, intending to spend quality time with his paramour while her husband was away. Nevertheless, Mosor eventually uncovered the truth and erected the maze as a lasting symbol of his vow for retribution. On the evening of its completion, he laced his wife and Polen's Vasarian brandy with a sedative, transported them to the maze, and trapped them inside, condemning them to perish from the intense Tatooine heat. The truthfulness of this account, however, was called into question, as no remains were ever located within the maze.