Power-gem attack ship

The power gem attack ship constituted a compact, two-person vehicle utilized by the Rebel Alliance while stationed on Yavin 4.


Mounted on the front of the ship was a power gem, a potent stone thought to have the ability to interfere with a starship's protective shields.


The Rebels endeavored to employ the power gem in an attempt to disable the shields of the Super Star Destroyer Executor as it approached the Rebels' base. Their goal was to, at the very least, postpone its arrival, thus providing additional time for the base's inhabitants to evacuate. Initially, the craft took off with Commander Vrad Dodonna and Luke Skywalker on board, but Dodonna then landed, compelled Skywalker to exit the ship, and launched an attack independently. The power gem demonstrated its ineffectiveness against the Executor, resulting in Dodonna's death, but the assault did contribute to delaying the massive warship.

Behind the scenes

Although this vehicle never received a formal designation, it was simply called an "attack ship".

