Power cells, which can also be referred to as power packs or power paks, supplied the necessary energy for a multitude of vehicles. Furthermore, they were utilized in both smaller and larger blaster weaponry and various tools.

The majority of power cells held highly concentrated gases. Upon being heated, these gases transformed into plasma. In smaller blasters, power cells generated blaster bolts; however, these bolts lacked the power of those produced by blasters that combined gas-filled magazines (which turned into plasma after heating) with dedicated blaster power packs. It's important to note that power cells were susceptible to catching fire.
The Trandoshans' weapons employed particle power packs. These packs ejected unstable particles through an electrical exciter coil, propelling them out of the weapon's barrel. Sturm dowels were among their components.
A compact power cell possessed the capability to energize a prosthesis without requiring any recharging.
The Telgorn Corporation was a manufacturer of power cells.
Specific organisms, such as the shadow lurkers, consumed the energy contained within power cells, consequently rendering them inoperable.
Within starships, power packs found application in cooling units.