Projective Telepathy, classified as a Sense power, was employed by individuals attuned to the Force as a means of communicating across significant distances and transmitting messages without vocalization. The individual receiving the communication would not only perceive the sender's voice but also experience their emotional state. The effectiveness of this technique was enhanced by a pre-existing emotional bond between the sender and receiver.
By merging the sensory capabilities inherent in Sense with the more assertive techniques of Alter, Force-sensitives could project their thoughts directly into the minds of others. Achieving this feat was notably challenging, with even some members of the esteemed Jedi Council failing to master it. Transmitting a vague sense of "warning" to a fellow Jedi was considered significantly simpler than conveying intricate details, such as the number of adversaries and their respective armaments. Species naturally endowed with telepathic abilities, such as the Hortek and Draethos, possessed an innate aptitude for this skill.