The purella, a sizable predator, originated from the moon Yavin 8 and the moon itself. Characterized by its bristly hair and spider-like form, this creature possessed notably bright orange eyes. Distinctive features included its crimson-colored body, yellowish saliva, and quartet of sharp, barbed pincers. The purella captured its victims using a dense, dark web, subsequently consuming them gradually. Though the sentient Melodies were its preferred food source, the purella itself was hunted by the massive, avian avrils, which occupied the apex predator position in the lunar ecosystem.
While navigating the lunar mountains, Human Jedi apprentices Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila encountered a purella. This confrontation occurred as they were searching for old Massassi inscriptions. These carvings were essential to undoing the Golden Globe's curse and liberating the countless Massassi souls imprisoned within.