Putch Gundarian

Uncle Gundy, whose real name was Putch Gundarian, was a seasoned miner toiling away in the subterranean tunnels of the planet called Tyne's Horky. His nephew, the daring Jann Tosh, frequently lent a hand with the demanding labor.


Some years leading up to the well-known Battle of Yavin, Tosh acquired two droids, specifically C-3PO and R2-D2. He also struck up a friendship with a naive alien hailing from Tammuz-an. Gundarian, a pragmatic individual, expressed his displeasure with Tosh for choosing to purchase a protocol droid and an astromech droid instead of the mining droid he had specifically asked for. Despite his initial reservations, he put the droids to work, often mistreating R2-D2 by kicking him, an action that caused more discomfort to Gundarian's own foot than to the droid.

One fateful day, while Gundarian was working deep within the mines, a section of the tunnel unexpectedly collapsed. Tosh, along with the Tammuz-an, rushed in to provide assistance. The alien bravely rescued Gundarian from potential serious injury. In gratitude, Gundarian bestowed upon him the name Kez-Iban, a Bocce term signifying "He That Returns from Death". Gundarian would eventually learn that Kez-Iban was, in reality, a dethroned prince of Tammuz-an known as Mon Julpa.

Before long, Jann Tosh, Mon Julpa, and the droids found themselves at odds with a criminal figure named Kleb Zellock. After successfully driving Zellock away from Tyne's Horky, they came into possession of his substantial wealth of Keschel ore and compensated Yorpo Mog for mining services. Jann then gifted these valuable resources to his uncle, transforming him into a man of considerable wealth.

Personality and traits


Gundarian was a male human of short stature and portly build, characterized by his white hair, which he kept in a ponytail, and a long, unkempt mustache. His attire typically consisted of durable work clothes suitable for a laborer, and he was frequently seen sporting a wide-brimmed purple hat. Gundarian was known for being a diligent and practical person. He had little patience for his nephew Jann's adventurous inclinations and tended to become anxious when things deviated from his expectations. Nevertheless, Gundarian appreciated those around him and occasionally revealed a softer side, demonstrating his affection for his nephew.

Behind the scenes

The voice of Uncle Gundy was provided by Dan Hennessey. An Uncle Gundy action figure was released in 1985 as part of the Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO toy series produced by Kenner. Although these action figures were designed to be size-compatible with other Kenner Star Wars action figures, they represented a distinct and separate toy line in terms of design.

In the episode titled "The Lost Prince," Gundy was depicted with only four fingers on each hand, instead of the usual five.

