Qektoth Confederation Space Station

The Qektoth Confederation Space Station existed within the Qu'mock system. The Qektoth Confederation utilized it as a location for their research endeavors.


Initial Role and Seizure

Constructed more than a century before 8 ABY, the space station was originally meant to function as a scientific base for the study of the Gandle Ott region. Some months following its activation, the station suffered an assault from a collection of crime bosses and escaped convicts. After seizing the station, they employed their attack vessels to haul it to their clandestine headquarters, where it was repurposed as a communications hub. This information remained unknown to the wider galaxy, with the station officially recorded as missing, along with its entire crew. Thirty-four years later, a significant earthquake devastated the planet it orbited, leading to the station's abandonment due to the complete loss of surface inhabitants.

Under Qektoth Confederation Control

In 18 BBY, Drigor Tarrens came across its whereabouts and, upon joining the Qektoth Confederation, informed them of its existence. The Confederation restored the station to its original scientific function and relocated it to the Qu'mock system to conduct their research in secrecy.

In 8 ABY, a strike team from the New Republic corvette FarStar infiltrated the station with the goal of downloading computer data to synthesize an antidote for a disease created by the Confederation. However, the station's personnel were in the process of evacuating, and they used a biochemical weapon of their own to obliterate the station during the Battle of Qu'mock.


Schematics of some of the Space Stations levels.

The station's structure was cylindrical, featuring a cone-shaped module at each extremity, each topped with an assortment of antennae. At one end of the structure, four arms composed of Durasteel alloy extended from the hull, each capped with a hexagonal solar energy collecting array. The station was segmented into multiple levels, and a central shaft housing a pair of turbolifts traversed the facility's core. Additionally, four ladder shafts were situated around the station's perimeter, spaced at ninety-degree intervals.


The docking bays of the space station were centrally located. Four bays encircled the central column housing the turbolift shafts. Each bay featured an aperture to space, shielded by a force-field.

Crew decks

The crew decks within the station were basic, furnished with bunks and plasteel storage containers.


The station's storage bay spanned four levels and was filled with a considerable quantity of metallic remnants, including items from transponders to hyperdrive casings. A section of the storage bay was isolated by a force field, containing oval containers and sizable rectangular crates. The atmosphere within this section was used for refrigeration, and the containers held the disfigured remains of hundreds of Human and aliens, the results of the Confederation's experimentation.

One such container held the prisoner Fasha Dansun, who was rescued by the FarStar's crew during the Battle of Qu'mock.

Science labs

The science lab occupied the lower cone section of the station, with each room containing experimental equipment employed by the Confederation for their research activities.

