Qel-Droma's Grave

Qel-Droma's Grave, alternatively known as the Echoes of Pain, marked the location at the landing platforms of Knossa Spaceport where Cay Qel-Droma met his end, killed by his sibling, Ulic Qel-Droma, during an outburst of anger.

This location was defiled by the act and became sacred within the Force. After leaving the platform and proceeding onto the wide walkway leading from the city toward the Great Library, Ulic Qel-Droma was divested of his Force abilities by a number of his fellow Jedi as retribution for his wrongdoings. These events resulted in the creation of a vergence in the Force, corrupting the entire vicinity with dark side energies. Not long after this, Ossus was devastated by the supernova, and Knossa Spaceport was left as a ruin of mangled stone, metal, and piles of debris. In 3994 BBY, Ulic Qel-Droma journeyed to this location before heading to Yavin 4.

In the centuries that followed, as surviving groups of Jedi and their offspring recolonized the planet and adopted the name Ysanna, they took note of the site's powerful dark side attraction. To deter the unsuspecting from entering these vergences, the Ysanna established a thirty-meter boundary composed of black stones, each approximately the size of an astromech-sized droid, surrounding each site. The Ysanna noticed that individuals who breached this boundary and entered the vergence experienced a distortion of their emotions by the Force, causing them to perceive their closest allies as their most formidable enemies.

