R2-D2 Builders Club
Established in 1999 by Dave Everett, the R2-D2 Builders Club has consistently worked towards creating a precise resource for replicating the well-loved Star Wars astromech droid known as R2-D2. The organization currently boasts over 7,100 members, a number that continues to increase, with participants hailing from across the globe.
During the production of Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones in Australia, the official club emblem was adopted by the Lucasfilm R2-D2 Unit for their team apparel. A demonstration of this can be observed on this crew cap.
Two British club members, Lee Towersey and Oliver Steeples, were hired by Lucasfilm Ltd. to supply and supervise the R2-D2 model for Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. In the summer of 2013, they met with Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy at Celebration Europe II and jokingly mentioned their availability for the film. Despite the lighthearted nature of the comment, Kennedy suggested them to Executive Producer Jason McGatlin, who then contacted Towersey and Steeples to offer them the position.
- Droid Design: Chopper from Star Wars Rebels Comes to Life on StarWars.com (backup link)
- " Chopper Rolls Out! " — Star Wars Insider 152
- Bantha Tracks — Star Wars Insider 153
- Bantha Tracks — Star Wars Insider 154
- " Blaster " · — Star Wars Insider 157
- " 50 Things to Notice in Star Wars: The Force Awakens " — Star Wars Insider 165